The Challenge
The operators of Secret Harbour Golf Links Mitch Roberts, Ross Hunt and Ben all knew that to sustain the long term success of their business that they had to have something that operates like a well oiled machine and could be easily duplicated over and over again.
This applied both to the Secret Harbour Golf Links, and also their Golf Shops – Golf Down Under. For Golf Down Under it was clear that another shop would simply accelerate their busyness rather than accelerate their success.
The Result
Having started training with Kolbe Systems it is clear what has to be done to plot a path to expansion of their range of stores – the easy way.
The only thing between them and an easily duplicated operation was some hours of hard work. Knowing what to work hard on is the key to a successful operation that can easily be franchised.
Secret Harbour Golf Links and Golf Down Under are the Golfing Experts in Rockingham, Secret Harbour and Mandurah.